
[Project Flonet] Das Alte und das Neue

"What is Flonet?"  "Who is HJMT? Why do you always draw his characters??"

As Project Flonet went through a major reboot, the design philosophy has changed. Before the character designs were done more casually, now the Plamans(plant characters)' designs are more faithful to how their species look.

Some old characters were remade, not just their looks but their personality too!

Vienna Bean (Kidney bean, Phaseolus vulgaris)


Old Vienna Bean: A cool-headed scientist

New Vienna Bean: A tomboyish genius scientist

Hazia → Narut Baraem (Clover, Trifolium)

Hazia: A tech-savvy genius boy with poor social skills

Narut Baraem: An extreme introvert whose only friends are creatures