
"Who is HJMT? Why do you always draw his characters??"

Long story short, HJ is my best friend!! We met in 2017 through his earliest Flonet works. He has been my biggest inspiration ever since.

I consider him as my greatest mentor. We grew up together not only artistically but also as a person. Things weren't always easy, we had some hard times, we shared our most honest thoughts. I wouldn't have made it this far without his help.

So please check out his website and support him on 'Twitter' and YouTube! I won't be any happier if you do.

Here are some of his proudest works:

-CMYK- (2023)
No, there is nothing like that. (2023)
~Bomb Factory~ (2019)
Corrosion (2023)
~Yaa~ (2019)
Star Cluster and Boy (2023)
2.5 SV (2020)

* All artworks were reposted here with permission. Do not redistribute!